This post is intended to share a tool a find very usefull to store data but especially logs.
- ELK is a product containing 3 tools:
- E : Elasticsearch
- Big Data based on Apache lucene engine storing only json data.
- Elasticsearch contains an API very useful to communicate with.
- L: Logstash
- Powerfull data gateway allowing to forward data to elasticsearch.
- It is also an ETL that can process changes from received data before forwarding them to Elastic.
- K: Kibana
- Kibana is the front end part allowing:
- To visualize data stored into elasticsearch.
- Create dashboards.
- Create alerts.
- Work for developers to post data by apis request to elasticsearch.
- To visualize metrics.
- Manage the stack (index, policies, pipelines, roles, users, …).
- Kibana is the front end part allowing:
- E : Elasticsearch