Get rid of Zookeeper and use Kraft
It this post, i will explain how to be able to use Kraft and why use it.
Kraf is a concensus protocol allowing Kafka to work independently without Zookeeper.
This simplifies the fact there is nore more need of two different services (Kafka and Zookeeper) to share metadata. It also enables kafka fail over control to be almost instant. Thus the effect of kafka start and stop is faster.
The feature began with the version Kafka 2.8 and is enhanced with every new version BUT for the moment (June 2022), this solution is not yet production ready.
Of course this changes a little the infrastructure and the connection method.
With Zookeeper | Without Zookeeper | |
Client and service configuration | zookeeper.connect=zookeeper:2181 | bootstrap.servers=broker:9092 |
Schema registry configuration | kafkastore.connection.url=zookeeper:2181 | kafkastore.bootstrap.servers=broker:9092 |
Kafka admin tool | kafka-topics –zookeeper zookeeper:2181 | kafka-topics –bootstrap-server broker:9092 … –command-config properties to connect to brokers |
REST Proxy API | v1 | v2 and v3 |
Get Cluster ID | zookeeper-shell zookeeper:2181 get/cluster/id | kafka-metadata-quorum or view or confluent cluster describe --url http://broker:8090 --output json |
How to configuration and start Kafka with Kraft
Generate a UID:
./bin/ random-uuid
Format the data directory to be compatible with Kraft (to run on each Kafka broker), do not forget to set the cluster ID.
./bin/ format -t <uuid> -c ./config/kraft/
Formatting /tmp/kraft-combined-logs --cluster-id XXXXXXXXXX
In the file, do not forget to set all ther brokers hosts in the line “controller.quorum.voters”
Start Kafka with pointing to kraft config file
./bin/ ./config/kraft/
You are now ready to work with a broker running with no zookeeper dependencies to be healty.