In this post, i will explain what is RFHUTIL, where to download it and how to use it.

RFHUTIL is a usefull tool to read, write and browse message located on a queue or subscribe, publish to a topic.

The tool can be downloaded here https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-rfhutil

From you command prompt, run the command line git clone https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-rfhutil.git

In the folder bin\Release, you will see two exe files rfhutil.exe and rfhutilc.exe

The difference between the two file is the connection method.

rfhutil.exe will connect to a local queue manager using local binding method.

rfhutilc.exe (also called rfhutil client) will connect to any queue manager using server connection channel (with host, port, protocol and channel name)

A usefull option is to be able to read a message from a queue, save it into file and being able later to load it and resend this message. It can be usefull in case of development and/or debug.