
For security matters, ansible has a feature called ansible vault to store sensite data.

Seen that ansible is an infra as code technology, you need to store the code into a content management sevrice such as CSV, SVN, GIT, TFS, …

So to not allow anyone to read sensite data, use ansible vault

Secure the content of playbooks.

  • Create and Keep sensitive data encrypted with AES:
    • Run the command line ansible-vault create secret-info.yml
      • Enter twice a vault password
      • Enter your sensitive data with the text editor
  • Edit the vault:
    • ansible-vault edit secret-info.yml
    • Edit your sensitive data with the text editor
  • Use the vault:
    • Add vars_files into your playbook
      • vars_files:
      •  – secret-info.yml
    • ansible-playbook playbook.yml –ask-vault-pass
      • It will prompt the vault password
      • If you try to automate the runs, it could be a good idea to request the password from a secured tool such as Hashicorp vault.